Every 4 week on Monday until March 24, 2025


Fountain Hills Artists Gallery

About this event

Observe or Dive in; Unique Art Experiences Available at the Fountain Hills Artists Gallery

Hands-on creative events abound this fall at the Fountain Hills Artists Gallery. Four-hour workshops will be available in a variety of mediums each Monday in October (marking the end of a series that stretches back several years). The first three enrollees to mention the National Arts and Humanities Month or the Dark Sky Discovery Center will even receive a 50% discount off the $69.00 workshop registration.

In November our popular artist demonstration series will resume. Each Tuesday through March (with a few exceptions in late December), gallery visitors are welcome to observe a different artist working on her/his particular medium. We invite you to meet our artists, be inspired by their work, and share your own stories. Demonstration days are free to all.

Please visit the FHAG web site at www.fountainhillsartistgallery.com for up-to-date descriptions of the October workshops, and a listing of dates and artists for the demonstration series. All of these events and more can be located under the EVENTS tab.

We hope you can join us!

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