About this event
Experience the electrifying St Catherine Carnival - "The Nicest Carnival Event" @stcatherinecarnival_
See you on: Saturday, April 14, 2024
At: Dinthill Sports Complex Linstead, St Catherine.
- Grab your tickets now for the Early Bird Special:
Gen: $2000
Gen+Deal: $3500 - includes a Smirnoff Ice bucket deal
VIP Access: $6000 - indulge in delicious food and enjoy a Smirnoff mix, all included!
NB: Early bird sale ends Saturday April 27,2024
Presold General: $3000
Presold VIP$8000 Food +Smirnoff Mix Inclusive
General+Deal:$4500 Smirnoff Ice Bucket Deal -
General $4000
VIP $10,000 Food +Smirnoff Mix Inclusive
Purchase your tickets at @firstinlineja
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Must be 18 years or older. Drink responsibly and leave weapons at home. This is a celebration you won't want to miss!