Past Event
This is a past event.
Daily until August 17, 2016


New Castle Road
Irish Town

Age suitability


About this event

Guest Therapist Obediya returns from Vancouver to provide Mei Zen Acupuncture, Thai Yoga Massage and WATSU treatments. ONLY available for 3 days! Make your reservation.

Cosmetic Acupunture, revitalizes the skin and promotes cellular turnover, a natural alternative to botox.

"Wow! I just experienced my first Acupuncture Facial. So here is my before and after (no make up and no filter) as you can see I am Brighter and eyes are literally glowing. It was quite a journey including facial acupressure, and Thai massage of the head, neck and shoulders. I nearly fell asleep after a wave of deep calm...I know I'll sleep well tonight."

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