Powell River Kings at Langley Rivermen
George Preston Recreation Centre, LangleyGeorgia Swarm at Vancouver Warriors
Rogers Arena, VancouverSalmon Arm Silverbacks at Cranbrook Bucks
Western Financial Place, CranbrookAlberni Valley Bulldogs at Coquitlam Express
Poirier Sports and Leisure Centre, CoquitlamNanaimo Clippers at Merritt Centennials
Nicola Valley Memorial Arena, MerrittPowell River Kings at Langley Rivermen
George Preston Recreation Centre, LangleyElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverMoms the Word: Talkin Turkey - Vancouver
Granville Island Stage, Arts Club Theatre Company, VancouverJames Kennedy
Celebrities Nightclub, VancouverNanaimo Clippers at Coquitlam Express
Poirier Sports and Leisure Centre, CoquitlamNanaimo Clippers at Coquitlam Express
Poirier Sports and Leisure Centre, CoquitlamNanaimo Clippers at Coquitlam Express
Poirier Sports and Leisure Centre, CoquitlamWinter Harp Vancouver
St. Andrew's Wesley United Church, VancouverElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverReal Love Holidays Hosted By P-Lo with Jenno, Kempeh, Hustle, Yakobe, Chels
Celebrities Nightclub, VancouverElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverTeenage Dream - Relive the Magic
Fortune Sound Club, VancouverElf The Musical - Vancouver
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, VancouverThe Gift of the Nutcracker - Victoria
Royal Theatre Victoria, VictoriaThe Gift of the Nutcracker
Victoria Event Centre, VictoriaThievery Corporation
Harbour Event Centre, VancouverThe Gift of the Nutcracker - Victoria
Royal Theatre Victoria, VictoriaCinderella - New Westminster
Massey Theatre, New WestminsterLangley Rivermen at Chilliwack Chiefs
Chilliwack Coliseum, ChilliwackNanaimo Clippers at Cowichan Valley Capitals
Cowichan Community Centre, DuncanWest Kelowna Warriors at Prince George Spruce Kings
Kopar Memorial Arena, Prince George CountyCoquitlam Express at Powell River Kings
Hap Parker Arena, Powell RiverMerritt Centennials at Surrey Eagles
South Surrey Arena, SurreySalmon Arm Silverbacks at Vernon Vipers
Kal Tire Place, VernonNanaimo Clippers at Cowichan Valley Capitals
Cowichan Community Centre, DuncanMerritt Centennials at Surrey Eagles
South Surrey Arena, SurreyAlberni Valley Bulldogs at Victoria Grizzlies
The Q Centre, VictoriaLangley Rivermen at Chilliwack Chiefs
Chilliwack Coliseum, ChilliwackCoquitlam Express at Powell River Kings
Hap Parker Arena, Powell RiverWest Kelowna Warriors at Prince George Spruce Kings
Kopar Memorial Arena, Prince George CountyMassano
Village Studios, VancouverThe Gift of the Nutcracker - Victoria
Royal Theatre Victoria, Victoria