Scottsdale ArtWalk
weekly on Thursday until February 18, 2027
Not announced
Various Galleries

About this event

Scottsdale ArtWalk is much like a large, easy-going open house for the Scottsdale Arts District located primarily along Main Street and Marshall Way in Scottsdale Downtown. "America’s Original ArtWalk", this weekly gathering takes place every Thursday evening (year-round, except Thanksgiving) when all member galleries belonging to the Scottsdale Gallery Association (SGA) open their doors to the public and show off the work of the Southwest’s outstanding artists. A 30-year tradition, the ArtWalk process is simple; proceed at your own pace, wander into galleries that capture your fancy, stroll around a delightful area punctuated by dramatic statues, bubbling fountains, tree-covered courtyards, famed restaurants and more. Horse-drawn carriage rides and trolley rides are often available from plentiful free parking areas nearby.